
If I Had...

There's that song by the Barenaked Ladies that goes, "If I had a million dollars..." and it's pretty funny. But that concept makes me think. What would I do if I had...

...a million dollars? I would take a vacation, get a housekeeper, and get a new car. I would also get my hair cut regularly and invest in some good running shoes. And get the baseboards installed in my house. And get rid of the pink (hey, I said it and it's true) carpeting on my stairs and in our bedrooms. I think that's it. I would pretty much not worry about how to pay bills. That would be nice.

...a private jet? Easy. I'd fly to Boston, the city that some of my favorite people in the world call home.

...a new computer? I would cease to pull my hair out because it would probably be able to hold the internet connection when more than one window is open. OMG, I want to pull my hair out right now. I just did. Clumps. gross.

...a high paying job? Likely stress out a lot more because high paying jobs come with lots of responsibility, and I've already got enough of that with two kids, thank you very much. I don't think I could manage much more.

...my own business? I'd make stationery and baby blankets and quilts and scarves. All manner of handiwork, done by yours truly. I'd do it, and then I'd have arthritis by 40. Eh, I'll just do it on the side.

...a book deal? Offer friendly advice from a former bartender turned mom. That's quite a vociferous combo, right? Yikes!

But, since none of those things have appeared on the horizon, I'll stay happy with the life that is mine.

Night night.

1 comment:

I like people who say nice things.